Atomic Number: 36
Atomic Weight: 83.798
Melting Point: 115.79 K (-157.36°C or -251.25°F)
Boiling Point: 119.93 K (-153.22°C or -243.80°F)
Density: 0.003733 grams per cubic centimeter
Phase at Room Temperature: Gas
Element Classification: Non-metal
Period Number: 4
Group Number: 18
Group Name: Noble Gas
Krypton isotopes are used in various medical and scientific applications. Kr-82 is used for the production of Rb-81/Kr-81m generators. Many of the stable isotopes of Krypton are used in the study of the pulmonary system. Kr-78 can be used for the production of Br-75 although production of Br-75 via Se-76 is more common. Kr-86 has been used to define the standard measure of length: 1 meter is exactly 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of this isotope.