Atomic Number: 52
Atomic Weight: 127.60
Melting Point: 722.66 K (449.51°C or 841.12°F)
Boiling Point: 1261 K (988°C or 1810°F)
Density: 6.232 grams per cubic centimeter
Phase at Room Temperature: Solid
Element Classification: Semi-metal
Period Number: 5
Group Number: 16
Group Name: Chalcogen
Tellurium has eight stable isotopes (Te-120 and Te-123 are usually considered stable because of their long half lives) and many of them have a medical application. Te-120 is used for the production of I-120g which has an application as a PET and Beta emitting isotope. Te-122 is used in the production of the radioisotope I-122 which is used in gamma imaging. Te-123 is used for the production of radioactive I-123 which is used in thyroid imaging. Te-124 is used for the production of both I-123 and the PET isotope I-124. Finally, Te-130 is used in the research into double Beta decay.
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