Atomic Number: 37
Atomic Weight: 85.4678
Melting Point: 312.46 K (39.31°C or 102.76°F)
Boiling Point: 961 K (688°C or 1270°F)
Density: 1.53 grams per cubic centimeter
Phase at Room Temperature: Solid
Element Classification: Metal
Period Number: 5
Group Number: 1
Group Name: Alkali Metal
The resonant element in atomic clocks utilizes the hyperfine structure of rubidium’s energy levels, and rubidium is useful for high-precision timing. It is used as the main component of secondary frequency references (rubidium oscillators) in cell site transmitters and other electronic transmitting, networking, and test equipment. These rubidium standards are often used with GPS to produce a “primary frequency standard” that has greater accuracy and is less expensive than caesium standards.[40][41] Such rubidium standards are often mass-produced for the telecommunication industry