Palladium (Pd)

Palladium (Pd)


Atomic Number: 46

Atomic Weight: 106.42

Melting Point: 1828.05 K (1554.9°C or 2830.8°F)

Boiling Point: 3236 K (2963°C or 5365°F)

Density: 12.0 grams per cubic centimeter

Phase at Room Temperature: Solid

Element Classification: Metal

Period Number: 5

Group Number: 10

Group Name: none

Pd-104 is used for the production of radioactive Pd-103 seeds which are used to fight prostate cancer. Pd-103 can also be made from Pd-102. Other Pd isotopes such as Pd-110 and Pd-108 have been used in physical experiments such as research into the decay of Nd-137 and nuclear fusion phenomena. Pd-108 can also be used for the production of radioactive Pd-109 which is used for cancer therapy.